Animal Lighthouse Rescue
Animal Lighthouse Rescue
We are Animal Lighthouse Rescue, a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of satos through our no-kill shelter El Faro de los Animales and a team of volunteers in New York. Our mission is to better the quality of life for abandoned satos in Puerto Rico by educating the local communities, helping establish humane treatment options, and placing them in loving homes.
Sato is slang for a stray dog in Puerto Rico. They are small to medium-sized island dogs that are highly intelligent, healthy and quick to bond with those who give them affection.  As with most mixed-breed dogs though, it’s difficult to describe the many different personalities and beautiful mixes that come from the combination of breeds on the island.  We encourage you to take a look for yourself!
Satos are considered a problem throughout the island. With estimates of some 200,000+ dogs living on the streets, the locals don’t have a lot of