Meet Aspen (Sampson)
Hello, my name is Aspen and I'm approximately 2 years old.
I'm a Shepard mix, my foster parents are pretty sure that there's Husky in me as well. I had a rough start in my life, I was found a stray in Texas with an embedded collar and irritation on my nose. It's hard for me to trust people right away so I will need time to warm up to you. I'm a little shy and don't like my nose to be touched. In Texas the vet said my nose was most likely burned.
However, I went to the vet here in Colorado and she's pretty sure I have Lupus (also called DLE, Nasal Solar Dermatitis, or Collie Nose) Discoid Lupus or DLE is almost exclusively a canine disease and is almost always limited to the leather of the nose, called the nasal planum.
Lupus is an immune - mediated disease stemming from your own immune system's reaction to your own DNA.
I have to be on medication for the rest of my life and have to make sure to avoid the UV light at its peak time (exposure to sunshine makes the condition worse), so I need to wear sunscreen when I'm outside for extended periods of time. Going out when it's early or late in the day would be better.
I love to give all the kisses and want to be close to my humans once I warmed up to them, kids should be a bit older so they understand I don't like to get yanked on my collar and that I need time to warm up to everyone.
I'm currently in a foster home with 3 Huskies (2 male and 1 female) and a Chihuahua mix and getting along fine with all of them. My foster parents say that I'm an alpha personality. Hope I'll meet you soon.