Augusta was born 6/29/23. We believe her to be a chihuahua mix.(Our vet has not determined breed). Her coat is short with beautiful speckling through her white and tan markings. As an adult she could be 15-24 pounds or could stay smaller.
She is learning to potty train and is currently in the process of crate training. The adopter will need to teach leash training and continue basic manners that have been started in her foster home.
She would do fine with other cats and dogs and children who respect her boundaries. A fenced in back yard (no electric fencing or doggie doors) will be necessary. She is a very sweet puppy who is loving and playful. She is a ball of energy but has periods of quite as most puppies do.
Augusta was born blind, this will not change. She does not know she has a disability. Puppies born blind find their way around by smells, vibration and reputation. They follow sound and she does fantastic responding to her foster moms.
Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered, special needs.