Meet Baby GIrl
Meet Baby GIrl who recently arrived after being abandoned in dismal condition in Myrtle Beach. We immediately freed her from her "bird's nest" body fully encased in matts, and have spent the last month ensuring her return to tip top health. We are not sure how long she suffered outdoors, trying to fend for herself, declawed no less. She initially wasn't comfortable around men, but she's coming around and making friends with our Grandpa Jack now. She's really going to be happy to have her own forever home and sleeping partner to curl up next to, without the competition of other cats too near her for comfort.
We are a "Protect the Pets" rescue with established nutritional protocols for our cats. We mandate responsible vaccination protocols and titer testing in order to provide continuous protection and compliancy with the Rabies Control Act of South Carolina Statute Section 47-5-60. Please ensure your vet recognizes titers and is willing to offer affordable titer testing versus blindly overdosing pets with unnecessary vaccinations which contribute to the 50% national cancer rates being newly diagnosed annually in 10 - 12 million companion animals. The health of our pets is our main priority, and we require our nutritional and vaccination protocols be maintained. We will not allow our pets to be subjected to even a second unnecessary vaccination overdose, when checking titers can easily be incorporated into annual wellness exams for our animals.