Battle Mountain Humane Society
Battle Mountain Humane Society
The application process is the same whether you want to adopt a cat or a dog; however, there are different fees associated with each breed. Due to our large supply of adult cats, we only ask for a $25.00 fee or a larger donation of what you can contribute to our great cause.
For dogs, the application procedures are a bit different. The adoption fee is as stated on the Application Fee page; however, in special cases, such as the adoption of a purebred, fees may be more. On average, our adoption fees cost less than what you would you’d pay a breeder or pet store. Plus all of our pets have already been to the veterinarian for vaccinations and most are spayed or neutered. That is a lot of savings!
The first step is the getting acquainted phase.
If everything goes well, you will be required to complete the adoption agreement that states:
Adopter agrees to provide companionship, shelter, food, and health care for the life of the adopted pet.
A suitable shelter protects the pet from exposure to harsh weather.
Health care includes vaccinations and veterinarian treatment as needed.
The Adopter agrees to abide by city and county ordinances related to pet ownership.
We may conduct 2 follow-up visits to answer questions and provide assistance.
The Adopter will make an appointment to return the pet to BMHS if circumstances change and cannot provide for the pet for any reason.