Meet Bella
Bella wants to be the love of your life! She came to the shelter untrusting of new people and unsure of what is expected of her, but through training and allowing her to have plenty of positive experiences with new people, she is beginning to think that new people just might be OK. Bella LOVES fetch, larger rubber toys, tug and water. This gal can find the fun in just about any object or toy. Bella is looking for a dedicated owner who is willing to continue the work we have started and give her a safe place to enjoy her life. She knows the command sit and down and enjoys going for walks, but most of all she loves to snuggle with the ones she loves. She is the most lovable, adoring dog and once she gets to know you and trust you, she will snuggle in your lap! She can be catlike at times, enjoying her perch to look out the window in her office. She has some special male dog friends, but will do better as the only dog so she can have you all to herself and get all the snuggle time to herself. Bella does not like to be left outside by herself and feels more comfortable relaxing indoors. Bella is such a special gal and is adored by those that take the time to get to know her! (Weight 57 pounds.)
If you are interested in knowing more about Bella, please email with a description of your current living situation and a phone number.