Border Paws Dog Rescue
Border Paws Dog Rescue
Our mission is primarily focused on bringing in rescue dogs from the south, more specifically; we focus on saving dogs off of the euthanasia lists. We are a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, and we are run by a couple of people. You can best reach us via email however most of your questions can be answered by visiting our Facebook page or our website. Submit an adoption application if you are interested in meeting a dog.
Foster & Adoption Process with Border Paws
• Step 1: View available dogs. Available dogs can be found on our Facebook page, our pet-finder profile, or directly off of our website.
• Step 2: Submit an application. Applications can be found on our Facebook page our on our website. The fastest way to get your questions answered will to be to fill out an application and we will reach out to you within 1-5 business days.
• Step 3: If your application has been approved we will move forward with a meet and greet, you can meet the dog(s) you are interested in to see if they are a good match.
• Step 4: Home visit. Home visits are done on a case by case basis and a home visit may need to be completed prior to you taking an
? I Am One
• Step 5 for adopters: Adoption day! You get to take your dog home today! Adoption fees can be paid through our online portal or by
cash or check. Medical records and microchip information can be found on vour online portal where the adoption contract will be
signed. A PDF can be emailed to you upon request
Step 5 for fosters: You get to take your foster dog home! Don't forget to request any supplies you need (food, kennel, harness, bed, toys etc.). You are responsible for helping bring your foster animal to meet and greets with potential adopters.
• Misc: Adoption fees can be found on our website or on the applications. The binding contract states any dog adopted from Border Paws must be returned to border paws if the family chooses to ever give the pet up, under any and all circumstances. Adopted dogs do
receive a discount to our basic obedience classes. roster dogs can be returned at anytime
Our organization is devoted to finding the best match for each dog and each human, and this is why the process can seem extensive To some. If you are looking to adopt an animal the same day, we encourage you to go to a shelter.