Meet Bow
Bow is a 6 months old German Shepherd mix puppy.
Bow and his sister Molly were found running at a parking lot of the Polish Festival in Houston.
Bow is very smart and a very fast learner. He is pretty chill and laid back for a German shepherd mix. He even knows how to fetch and brings the ball back.
Bow says "My little girls that live with me can play fetch with me and oh boy! everyone is having so much fun. I am very gentle with kids. I am good with dogs, kids and bossy cats. I walk well on the leash. I know how to sit and I can basically learn anything very quickly especially if you have some treats near by."
Bow is a good boy. He is more laid back than his sister Molly. Bow is not aggressive. He is very treat oriented and easily trainable. He loves walks and playing fetch.
He is extremely smart just like his sister Molly. He would be great as a family dog. He is extremely sweet.
Bow is currently living in a foster home with his sister Molly, and two other female dogs, two little girls (3 and 6) and two female cats.
Bow is currently 30 lb, and growing, His adoption fee includes all his age appropriate shots including three distemper and parvo vaccine, bordetella, rabies vaccine, his neuter surgery and her microchip. He is also kept on heartworm and flea preventative and deworming schedule. His adoption fee may or may not include transport fee, depending on the location.
Sweet Bow is being fostered in Texas, but can travel to any state, and even Canada for the right home.
To meet this beautiful pup via facetime or whatsapp or other video chat apps, please send a completed application.
Yards, if any, MUST BE adequately and fully fenced to adopt our pups. We do not accept electric or underground fences.