Meet Bruno
Bruno is 7 months old, 56lbs, and a Shepherd mix. He is UTD on vaccines, microchipped and neutered. He is good with other dogs, kids, and cats.
From his foster:
Bruno is a loveable goofball. It's hard not to be charmed by this sweet puppy even after a short time. He loves to snuggle and be near his person but is adjusting well to be more independent. He loves having a pal to adventure with in the backyard and chase. Like a true puppy he has a short attention span and goes from toy to toy or lap to lap. It's so much fun to watch this curious guy explore. Bruno is well on his way to potty training and continues to make daily progress. Bruno is not a destructive puppy and it's a good thing because he doesn't prefer a crate. He has managed to stay home without supervision for several hours without accidents or chew damage. He does love to new on something hard and has a new favorite treat, Himalayan yak cheese! He is food-motivated and has learned to sit and lay down. He is not food-aggressive with our other dog and shares nicely. Bruno sleeps great curled up on the couch or snuggled up in bed without having an accident in the night. Bruno is a smart boy! He will make a great addition to any family with his sweet demeanor and adventurous spirit!
Bruno is with a foster.