Meet Buddy
Hi, I'm Buddy and I am a... OMG, a ball, I want it!!! Sorry, a little distracted... I was saying, I am a big 7-year-old golden retriever mix! (we suspect a Bernese mountain dog mix)
I was brought to the Canine Intervention Training School by Refuge Magoo who took care of me because I bit a family friend... I don't understand why, I had given several warnings, though... but my beautiful smiles make humans forget about my reactivity to handling, unfortunately.
I lacked a lot of guidance in my previous family (I was a spoiled baby with love but a bit too spoiled, oops) and I got used to having everything I wanted with a simple "woof woof"... I'm learning here that it's not a good habit to have, that being less vocal when I want something and especially being more patient is much more rewarding! For example, instead of barking before throwing the ball, I will sit politely and wait!!! Pssttt, I'm getting pretty good at it, and I'm also learning the "whispering" alternative.
I'm a real player! Ball, plush toy, rope, etc. I really really like playing with myself and I seem super cute! A real golden puppy despite being 7 years old. I really enjoy going for walks; I tend to pull because Oh my god, a leaf!! Yes, well, I said I'm the distracted and excited type, volunteers often take me outside to work on my attention span outdoors, so I'm improving little by little! Could we perfect that together? Play and walks are great activities for bonding. A yard will be necessary in my future home, but don't think about leaving me alone in the yard: I will bark for sure! As mentioned, I really love my toys and bones. Consequently, I have a tendency for resource guarding. Exchanges are becoming easier for me, especially with a trusted person.