Carnation is a 12 year old siberian husky who we rescued from the Downey Shelter on October 16, .
She came to the shelter as a 12 year old stray.
Despite her appearance, she is super friendly with people.
As can be guessed, she is leary of dogs and "greets" them with a growl and a jump, if given the chance.
We can't blame her for being aggressive with dogs as we believe her ears are a result of dog fights.
We plan to work with her and hope she will be accepting of dogs in her space in the future.
Since she can't get along with the other dogs, we have to keep her separate.
We did not save her to put her in a kennel.
She needs a home now! She is the sweetest, most people friendly dog.
She gives licks and just wants to be with you.
She ha had her eye removed and has been spayed.
We are working on her iwth other dogs and she is doing ok.
We are so saddened to see her confined to a large kennel.
She needs a home!!!! We desperately need a foster for her.
She needs to be in a home as the only pet.