Meet Casper
I'm Casper, one of three little boys rescued from a bad situation and raised as happy Magi-kittens in a great foster home with other kitties of all ages and some loving Human caregivers. I'm the smallest of the three, but also the sweetest. Just ask my foster mom! I'm a great snuggler, enjoy chatting with humans, and just everything about my life on the planet at this time!
I like laps, long chats, helping around the house, cool toys, cat trees, exploring and investigating. I have a beautiful long white coat and grey blue sparkly eyes and a handsome pink nose. A good looking guy, if i do say so myself. I don't know any small children or dogs, so I'd do better in a quiet home with older children or adults, maybe a polite kitty or two.
I'd be a good first companion or study buddy for a responsible older young person. I'm healthy, negative for FIV/FELV, and obviously an INSIDE ONLY guy both because it's safer, and to prevent sunburn. If you'd like an intro, apply online and we'll get together.