Cats R Us, Inc
Cats R Us, Inc
Cats R Us is a Non Profit 501(c)3 cat and kitten rescue organization in the Annapolis, Maryland area whose focus is educating communities about non-lethal and humane care of community cats; controlling the community cat population through TNvR-M (Trap, Neuter, vaccinate, Return - Monitor); and the promotion of low-cost community spay/neuter clinics and initiatives. TNvR-M means community cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated, sterilized, and ear-tipped (for identification) by veterinarians then returned to their outdoor homes to be monitored by their caretakers.
Kittens caught early enough are tamed, vetted, and available for adoption when they are of an appropriate age. We have a small team dedicated to this segment of rescue, along with socializing and care of abandoned adults both of which have grown to be an integral part of our overall efforts.
As a feline rescue group, it is all too common to find abandoned, domesticated cats. These cats enter our program, are vetted, and put up for adoption as soon as possible.
Cats R Us does not accept owner surrendered pets, but can direct you to other organizations that may assist you.
In our 21 years of existence, Cats R Us has facilitated the spay/neuter of nearly 15,000 cats. This has contributed greatly to the effort of controlling the problem of feline over-population in our area.
Please take a few moments to read the following explanation of our adoption policies and the steps that make up the adoption process. It is important that potential adoptees understand two things:
1. The process is the same for everyone; and
2. It is not our intent to frustrate you, rather, everything we do is for the best interests of the cats in our care, and is aimed at giving our rescues the best possible chance at finding a permanent home.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Potential adopters are asked to complete an adoption application.
2. A Cats R Us representative will go over the application to see if the cat or kitten is a good match for the potential adopter(s) home.
3. If there are already other animals in the home, the veterinarian listed on the adoption application will be contacted to check that animals in the adoptive home are up to date on vaccinations and are spayed or neutered. This process is simply to protect the health of the potential adoptee and the companion animals already owned.
4. Providing all goes well, an appointment for a home visit will be arranged and the adoption will take place at this time.