Meet Ciera
Hi, there. I’m Ciera – a gorgeous dark gray and black female tabby. I’m quite energetic and playful, except after a meal – when I like to snuggle down in a soft blanket for a nap.
My favorite toys are little mice to throw and chase and these really cool spiral toys that we have. I also like to play chase with the other cats and REALLY love to play laser tag.
My brothers, Justin and Jesse (both adopted already) and I and our mom all lived in a home once. But our owner did not take very good care of us and didn’t want us kittens, so we came to the rescue as kittens, in 2014.. He wouldn’t let our mom come with us, and we all miss her and hope she is OK.
I enjoy being with the other kitties in my rescue, but would really like to have a home and family of my own. If you’d like to meet and possibly adopt me, please contact Eloise, Kats by Keithan at 570-428-2179 or [email protected]
Date of birth: August, 2014
Up-to-date on vaccines
Feline leukemia negative