Meet Dart
Hi my name is Fred. My shelter name was Dart but my foster family thought that I should be named Fred. Dizzy Dog Animal Rescue saved me from being euthanized at the San Antonio Animal Shelter. They also helped me save my leg because it was fractured and one of the vets wanted my leg to be amputated but instead I have a plate in my left hind leg but it does not bother me. Somedays I may have a slight limp but nothing to worry about, I had an excellent surgeon.
I am still loving and sweet after that bad experience in the shelter and If you don't mind me, I would love to hang out on the couch with you, I love to be close to my foster mom, cuddling, laying my head on her lap or shoulder, pawing her for attention. I even like to lay near her as she's cooking in the kitchen.
I get along great with my foster dog sisters! A playful friend would be fun to have! I really want to play with the cat but he really doesn't want to so I may be better without a cat around so I'm not tempted as I may play too rough.
I love to play! I love toys and treats too! I am a good listener when treats are around. I know sit and paw. I LOVE to go on walks, my foster mom thinks it is still puppy energy I need to get out of my system! I'm getting better at walking on a leash too and treats make me stay close but sniffing around is my favorite.
I am really good at going into my crate. You don't have to ask me twice. I am also really good at pottying outside, I even know how to ring the bells on the door to tell my family I need to go out. What I am still learning to be better at is not eating things that are laying around like shoes. I am a little squirrely when it comes to getting my nails clipped, I'm just not used to it yet. I just love my people! But sometimes new people scare me so I'll bark at them, mostly only if they come into my house though.
I'd love to find a family who loves to cuddle but also likes to go on walks and maybe even adventures! My foster mom says I'm really cute with sweet eyes and I'm a little chubby now. I think I've left that terrible previous life I had before behind and forgotten all about it! My leg is healed but sometimes I still forget it's healed and I am careful with it especially when I want to walk fast or when I get up from a long nap or morning wake up.
Could I fit into your family?
*Listed BREED and AGE - We are taking our best guess & recommendations from our veterinarian on age, breed and size when fully grown. We rarely know a dog's exact age nor are we able to tell the true or full breed mix of dogs as our information is limited most of the time. ***