Meet Data!
Greetings Earthlings, I’m Data! I’m a stunning silver gent with the size, tufty toes and long fur of my cousins the Maine Coon cats, just no fancy and expensive papers. I have huge green eyes that don’t miss a thing!
I came to Happy Cats when my busy family felt like I might do better with a quieter home. I’m a calm and confident fellow and will make a great Kitty Secretary who wants to be wherever you are. I’m a big loverboy too, and love lying on your lap and cuddling all night long.
At only 8 years old, I still love to play, so get out those cat wands and watch me pounce and sail! You can see that I had a lion cut when I came to Happy Cats, but gentle consistent grooming with my new Leo’s Paw comb may help me keep up with my beautiful coat. My front first claw (my “thumb”) grows very curved, so I will need regular trims so it doesn’t grow into my paw pad.
I like to let out such a cute meow every time you walk in the room!
I’m not the biggest fan of dogs or other cats, so I’d like to be the only king in your castle! I’ll also do best in a home without small children.
I’m about eight years old and you can adopt me for $80, which includes my neuter, vaccinations, microchip, food and litter starter kit and a free well-kitty checkup to help you get started.