Meet Dobby
Dobby would make a fantastic barn cat or outdoor cat somewhere away from main roads and away from any busy streets. Dobby was a feral who was trapped and neutered about 2yrs ago. He decided he liked people and never left the porch of the LCPR director's house! Dobby is very affectionate. He now appreciates head and ear scratches and is fine with back rubs. He will roll over to show you his belly but like many other cats, it's a trap!! He also lets us pick him up and can be loaded into a carrier (best to have a carrier that has a front and top opening). Dobby rarely leaves the front porch or yard. He enjoys comfy, padded furniture to sleep on and sunbathe.
Dobby tries to sneak inside periodically. To our knowledge, Dobby was a feral the majority of his life. Since he was neutered at an older age, he may still mark if brought inside. For this reason, we have not let him stay inside more than a few minutes.
He can be a bit of a bully to other cats sharing his space.