My name is Duddy, but you can just call me sour patch. I'm sour, then sweet. 6lbs of pure sasshole without the s. Walking on a leash is not an activity I will participate in. Being carried is my preferred mode of transportation & if you won't do it, your lady friend will. That's why they call me, Mr.Steal yo girl. I like all other animals as long as they give me a little space to adjust & if they don't I will regulate the only way I know how. Loud & barky but I won't actually do anything about it other than complain. After adjusting I will be the best bossy little friend they didn't know they needed. I will also clean leftover snacks from your face, so your mom won't embarass you by licking her finger & cleaning it off first. Belly rubs are top tier. I do love a good snuggle & a nap. Napping is actually my favorite & I'm pretty serious about it. Seriously, please just be silent & go to sleep. I need my beauty rest for spite fuel.Crates are bull crap & I will sing you the song of my people for hours on end. If there's anything I have a plethora of, it's dedication to any cause that lights my little dark heart a flame. I'm pretty good in public, my foster mom takes me to work all the time & I do great as long as I can see you. I might pee on something occasionally, but I'm getting better about it, just don't leave your clothes on the ground. Your mom raised you better & I'm here to remind you. You're welcome. You needed to wash them dirty drawers anyways. If spicy is your game, Duddy is my name & I'm down to clown.
Vaccinations up to date.