DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue
DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue
You can now "sponsor" our posted rescues - donations will go directly to their care!
"DunRoamin" means just that: our strays are all done roaming, are safe at last and will finally receive the medical care, attention and the family they deserve.
DunRoamin's mandate is to help those strays who have no one to care for them - the ones who are abandoned, abused, injured, neglected and have no other alternative for life. We cannot accept healthy animals, as we would very quickly have no room for the ones who truly need us - the ones who would most likely "fall through the cracks" of our current system.
We focus on three main aspects:
Rescue: helping those strays who are injured, neglected, sick, etc. and have no one to care for them. We also try to help those who are too sick, too injured or too young to survive in a normal shelter setting;
Treatment: providing food, medication, surgery
Our rescues mean a lot to the vet staff and DunRoamin volunteers. We do everything we can to find the perfect homes for these pets, who are being given a second chance at a happy life. The application process requires pre-adoption applications, references, and interviews with you and those listed on your application in order to ensure a successful placement. If interested, please email a request for a pre-adopt application.