What my friends say about me:
Please check for updated adoption hours.
My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet!
I love getting pets and - you guessed it - snuggles!
A volunteer writes: When I met Eggroll during one of our mobile adoption events, I was immediately taken by his beautiful copper-colored coat with eyes to match. I imagined cuddling with him on the couch and petting his soft velvet coat. This boroughbred was a health buff, as he enjoyed some tasty freeze dried sweet potatoes! As he patiently takes each treat softly from my hand, he entertained and relaxed me with the AMSR sounds from the freeze dried treats. As he patiently hung out with volunteers, he was very observant of his environment. As any curious young dog is, he was excited when bikes, scooters and motorcycles passed our adoption truck. He was vocal and barked after them as if he was asking for a ride (take me home)! Eggroll is waiting to meet you at the shelter, who knows, you and he may ride off into the sunset on a two-wheeled vehicle!
Large, 49.80 pounds