Meet Fifi
Fifi is an 12 yr old (approx.) spayed female, chihuahua/pug mix and weighs about 10 lbs. She barks when someone comes to the door but soon stops after being greeted. She will jump onto your lap when it suits her and likes to be petted.
Fifi eats well twice a day, a generous one-quarter cup of kibble (Fromme Senior Activity) mixed with a little warm water at each meal. Once she is awake, a toilet trip outside follows and then she naps until it is time for her morning walk. Another toilet trip outside in the afternoon, dinner around 5 pm, another walk about 7p.m. and a final toilet trip outside before bed. She doesn't ask to go out at any other time. Fifi did have some accidents when she first arrived but they stopped once she got into the routine. She is very quick in doing what she needs to.
She doesn't go to bed until her humans do and then sleeps on a blanket on the bedroom floor.
She is not interested in playing or toys except for a ball with treats inside. She is very possessive about this and will guard it. She shows anxiety at the sounds of a storm.
Treats are given after each trip outside and she looks for them.
If another dog or person is encountered on her walk she will bark at them but not always.
She walks well on leash but will pull when nearing the house.
Fifi naps when left alone in the house which normally isn't for more than an hour. She barks when she hears the car return. She travels in a crate in the car and will eventually settle. We haven't been on trips over 40 minutes.
Fifi is possessive about her human, her food and her treats. It would probably be better if she were the only pet in the home. She bonded quickly with her female human but also likes her male and jumps onto his lap. We have not seen a reaction to a cat as she has not been close to one.
Fifi is a lovely little dog but you need to be careful with her and make introductions slow so she doesn't become startled or overwhelmed as she might snap at the hand