Meet Fitz
Fitz is an eight-year-old snow Bengal living with his Mom and a Cocker Spaniel in San Diego, CA. His Mom recently moved from Arizona where they had a large home where he was able to stretch his legs in the sun when she would take him out - supervised. He loved it.
Fitz’s Mom had to relocate to San Diego for a new job, and given the economic challenges of living in Downtown San Diego versus a more urban setting, she was unable to buy a large home that was equal to what he was used to. They are currently living in a 900 sq ft apartment - far too small for him, and a far cry from the large home in Arizona where they once lived.
Fitz loved his companion dog Brutus, a Cocker Spaniel. They had an “understanding” between them that was really special. They relied on each other for company.
A few months ago, Brutus passed away from old age. Fitz was (and still is) completely bereft, without his pal to while the hours away with. He still has a doggy companion, Bella - another Cocker Spaniel - but they share a mutual dislike. They are both very competitive for their Mom’s attention. They are basically like college roommates who are forced to live together, but would prefer not to.
Fitz’s Mom LOVES HIM DEARLY. He lets her hold him like a baby! He is a snuggle bug!! All 19-pounds of him!!
He has always used his litter box faithfully… that is - until all the changes started coming at him. Moving to a smaller home, losing access to outdoors, losing his best buddy Brutus - all of this has hit him hard. He recently began to experience litter box avoidance issues. His Mom got him right to the Vet and ruled out Urinary Tract Infection. The Vet suggested it might be FLUTD (resolvable! You can read more about that here: ).
Fitz’ Mom was waiting to have a conversation about that with us before making the decision to go ahead. We agreed with the Vet’s direction so she is going to get him started on medication (a gel medication that you simply rub on the inside of his ear, once a day). We are all very hopeful that this medication will help him with the anxiety of loss / change, and also with the bladder pain that is associated with FLUTD. We think this situation can be completely resolved.
Fitz’ owner tells us:
Fitz is highly intelligent. He wants to learn and be challenged. He loves to play fetch. You can teach him just about anything. Even at 8, he continues to amaze me with how he learns and engages. He would definitely benefit from clicker-training as he is very treat-motivated.
Fitz also loves to snuggle and be loved on. He will let you pick him up and enjoys all the kisses you can give. He is a gentle soul, who will not bite or scratch. Fitz also loves to talk. He will come when you call him and responds to your questions. He also loves tuna juice from the can or dehydrated fish treats. He will even sit for his treats.
Fitz likes to travel in the car! He would be a good candidate for someone who lives further away, given what a great traveler he is. Simply put his bed down and he will lay there. He may roam a little and look out the window, but he does great on road trips and staying in new places. Additionally, he absolutely loves outdoor time! This is something he has truly missed since we moved to San Diego.
Fitz would likely do well with a cat-friendly dog who has experience respecting the boundaries of a cat. He would not want to live in a home with another cat, and he hasn’t really been around children so we’re guessing children 10+ age who have been taught proper handling techniques would be OK.