Fluff Animal Rescue Inc
Fluff Animal Rescue Inc
F.L.U.F.F. (From Lonely & Unloved to Forever Family)
Animal Rescue of Seminole, Tampa Bay
(a 501c3 public not-for-profit charity since 2016)
exists to save lives and make a difference! Through community awareness, assistance, education and rescue, we aim to address and confront animal over-population and shelter over-crowding. We are a foster-based community rescue located in Tampa Bay, Florida...
Thank you for your interest in adopting from FLUFF Animal Rescue. Our goal is to ensure long-term success and happiness for ALL those involved in the process of adopting.
FLUFF welcomes all adopters with our "Adopters Welcome" policy. In the past, adopting a pet was a very frustrating process. Rescues (including FLUFF) may have asked you for a veterinarian reference, proof of a fenced yard and more. These policies were designed to prevent adoptions judged as “likely to fail.” They were also supposed to decrease the likelihood of adopted pets being returned to our rescue. However, we realized the policies created barriers that often kept good potential adopters from adopting, and we missed out on matching many pets into amazing homes!
Rather than using traditional adoption policies, FLUFF is transitioning to the Humane Society of the United States’ "Adopters Welcome" approach. This new approach welcomes every potential adopter, encourages a life-long support network, and ensures ultimate success for all involved. "Adopters Welcome" enables us to save more lives!
Instead of trying to rule out potential adopters by using past history as a guide, "Adopters Welcome" focuses on finding perfect pet homes through meaningful discussions with potential adopters. Adoption counselors speak with potential adopters in a positive and respectful way, while learning about their home, lifestyle and pet needs. Additionally, this often leads to adoption counselors serving as a resource throughout the life of the adopted pet.
"Adopters Welcome" is based on data and studies proving that returns and abuse cases do not increase when adoption restrictions are lifted. And, while FLUFF wants every pet and adopter to be a perfect match, we do not view returns as failures. Instead, we use the information to learn more about the pet so we can better match them with future adopters.
With so many animals needing homes, using an approach that tries to locate and accept more adopters makes sense. By welcoming adopters and removing roadblocks, FLUFF Animal Rescue is proud to be a rescue that welcomes everyone.
We ask for a little patience during this transition, as our volunteer Adoption Counselors and coordinators are learning a new process, and our applications are transitioning into questionnaires where adopters will always feel welcome!
We will be in touch soon!
Your new best friend is worth the wait!
Thank you again for your interest in adopting through FLUFF Animal Rescue!
By considering adoption, you are saving lives!