Meet Freddie
******Please note, once completing the initial screen you will be connected with the placement for a video chat. Transports run every few weeks and we will have the dog on the next available transport once approved. If you are not able to accept a dog until a specific time period, please apply at that time************
Freddie, 4.5 years old, neutered male, Pitbull mix, 53 pounds. He is in a foster home in Houston, TEXAS and can transport out of State once an adopter is approved. You will have an opportunity to video chat to "meet" him virtually.
Freddie has dashingly handsome good looks and a set of button ears any show dog would kill for. When he hears something interesting, he tilts his head and looks at you with these wide soft brown eyes. He has a gorgeous smile and a set of 8-pack abs that make me giggle looking at them. That said, my most favorite thing about him are a series of cowlicks which line his chest, lower waist and butt cheeks.
Freddie is a naturally inquisitive and inherently brave boy who just isn’t fully confident he can do all of the things he wants to attempt, so he looks to his person for reassurance and to calm his nerves. While we have no history
of his life as a pup or before he came to the shelter, we believe the cause for his anxiety really rests in under socialization. When exposed to new things, places and people, Freddie can be nervous but he wants to push through and just needs the encouragement to do so. Freddie has come so far since being rescued in December and placed into foster care, and he continues to improve every day.
He is a perfect gentleman on a leash, is crate and house trained, and people and dog friendly.
Freddie likes to go on walks and loves any sort of hard, chew toy. He gets extremely playful when given the opportunity to play with squishy toys, thrashing his head, galloping and whining. He loves to play tug-of-war and likes water bottles filled with rocks - he’s a man of simple pleasures. He can be mischievous around wayward shoes or soft fluffy items, but that seems to be a crime of convenience.
Freddie absolutely loves routine and structure, and would be best served by someone who will allow him a week or two to acclimate to his new environment, and to settle in and learn the ropes. With consistency, Freddie bonds tightly to his person and seeks out their company. He appreciates knowing when and who will let him out, feed him, and give him the love he so desperately deserves. He will often put himself to bed when he is overstimulated and needs a break.
His normal day includes a half/mile walk morning and night with a few potty breaks in between as able, and a healthy dose of one-on-one time for affection and some exposure training. He has gone 10hrs between potty
breaks without incident. Freddie has only had one accident throughout his time with us and that was when he first came here. Outside of that, Freddie has not had an accident in the house.
He makes an excellent couch partner with current TV favorites being any of the British Bake Off series, dramas, or legal thrillers. Freddie loves listening to soothing music at night and would be an excellent companion for a
single or older person who has the ability to shower him with time and attention.
His energy level is best described as low to moderate, as he doesn’t need very long walks to get his energy out, and he’s not bouncing off the walls if he doesn’t get those walks.
He can be a jumper so I would recommend children over the age of 10.
He can absolutely be an only dog, although he’d thrive in a home with other canine companions. When Freddy sees other dogs, he gets very excited and likes to bark and play bow at them through the barrier.
In the time he has been in our house as a foster, Freddie has learned to be in a crate during the day and occasionally at night, and to ignore loud or scary sounds like lawnmowers, buses, etc. Freddy’s anxiety manifests itself as licking, heavy panting, and the occasional whimpering; he is not destructive to house or home. He knows basic commands and is extremely food motivated, so additional training should be easy and would really help him have a positive outlet for his anxiety. We’ve found calming chews, soft music at night, positive reinforcement,
and a set schedule are the tools Freddie requires to be the brave boy he is.
*Listed BREED and AGE - We are taking our best guess & recommendations from our veterinarian on age, breed and size when fully grown. We rarely know a dog's exact age nor are we able to tell the true or full breed mix of dogs as our information is limited most of the time. ***
Interested in applying to adopt him?