Friends of Central Falls Animals
Friends of Central Falls Animals
Friends of Central Falls Animal’s mission is to provide for the animal’s well being, while fostering an awareness of their importance in our lives. This mission includes our goal of improving the quality of life of animals and placing them into loving and permanent homes through rescue, extraordinary and compassionate care, and humane education. We also believe in the trap-neuter-release process, as an effort to lower the feral, free roaming cat population.
The City of Central Falls does not have a shelter of its own.
Our dogs are primarily boarded at the Pawtucket, RI Animal Shelter. All of our dogs are managed by Officer Charlene Gaffney, ACO of Central Falls, RI. You may visit the dogs during normal business hours: M - F 10 -12 & 1 - 3 ~ Also on the weekends 10 - 2.
~All cats/kittens are fostered by a couple that have set aside living space for housing.
~ Cats are seen by appointment only.
~Adopters must be 21 or older.
~Adoptions are not limited to RI.
~Adoption fee is $150.00 per cat/kitten
~Additional information on adoption is located in each pets write-up on this site.