Furry Friends Refuge
Furry Friends Refuge
If you live in West Des Moines, you have been able to live in one of the nation’s safest cities to be an animal in need for the last decade. City council will be voting to change that on May 15, 2023. While Furry Friends received less than 5% of the city’s budget for animal welfare, it has done the vast majority of work for animals within the city. Read more about where your tax dollars have gone HERE. The majority of the work provided for West Des Moines animals has been paid for by donations and supported by volunteer labor. Despite this, the city is voting to throw away all the important programming provided by Furry Friends and will be building its own city-run shelter with your tax dollars. This was proposed many years ago, but the city happily placed the burden of building such a facility to Furry Friends. We have invested millions of dollars building shelters and services in the community and provide low and no cost veterinary services, training, owner surrender services, and on call emergency care for strays at no cost to the city. The city will now be operating its own facility and will send around 1/3 of the animals Furry Friends handled for the city of West Des Moines to AHeinz 57. AHeinz 57 is located 20 miles from West Des Moines in DeSoto and is a limited admission facility that takes in animals from a variety of geographic locations, including many out of state. AHeinz 57 will not commit to prioritizing owner surrendered pets from West Des Moines as Furry Friends has done for over a decade. The city claims that there are other shelters and rescues to take all this on–that is not true. AHeinz 57 and all other area shelters are constantly full, meaning these animals have no place to go under the city’s new plan.
The city council and mayor have had no contact whatsoever with Furry Friends Refuge for the duration of its current contract and have remained unresponsive to citizens concerned about the wellbeing of the animals and the wasteful manner in which resources are allocated for animal welfare. The citizens have every reason to be worried–the last time the city ran its own shelter only 32% of cats left there alive. Even when Furry Friends had agreed to take cats from the city, the city employees killed them while Furry Friends was prepared and paying medical staff awaiting the arrival of these animals in need.
Furry Friends Refuge requires that you fill out an adoption application for any animal you are interested in adopting. Potential adopters are welcome to visit our animals during our open hours or by prearranged appointment. All adopters must be at least 18 years of age. All animals adopted from Furry Friends Refuge must be adopted as companion animals.
All cats, dogs, and rabbits will already be spayed or neutered at the time of adoption.
Cats are microchipped, receive basic vaccinations, and have been tested for FeLV.
Dogs are microchipped, receive basic vaccines, and have been tested for heartworm.
We accept cash and credit/debit cards only.
♦ Kittens under 4 months: $100
♦ Cats 4 months and older: $75
♦ Cats in the Lonely Hearts Club: $25
♦ Puppies under 4 months: $300
♦ Dogs 4 months and older: $100
♦ Rabbits: $50
♦ Hamsters/gerbils/mice/rats: $8
♦ Guinea pigs: $15
Just like us, animals are social and love to have an animal friend. Consider adopting two animals to increase their happiness and cut down on behavior issues that arise from boredom while you are at work or school.
♦ 2 kittens under 4 months: $150
♦ 2 cats 4 months and older: $100
♦ 2 rabbits: $80
♦ 2 hamsters/gerbils/mice/rats: $10
♦ 2 guinea pigs: $25