Meet Georgia
Meet Miss Georgia aka Gigi.
Gigi is a 19 month old PB Yorkie. She is very small, weighing only about 5 to 6 lbs. Georgia has had a bit of a rough go, having both her front legs fractured. One leg was surgically repaired and a plate and screws remain. Her other leg was broken and never repaired, so now it is malformed, but she is 100% able to use it. If in the future, the plate seems to cause infection or her body is rejecting it, it would need to be removed (at the adopters expense).But the Ortho specialists don't believe it will cause any issues.
She is excellent with other dogs, but prefers to live with small dogs and/or cats! Because she is so small and fragile, she would rather not have to contend with large dogs in her living space. Sometimes she thinks she is bigger than she is, and will bark at large dogs she sees on her walks.
She can be very playful but does settle down easily. She loves going out for walks. She walks super fast out in front of her foster mom, sometimes she does stop or crosses in front if she's unsure of where she is going.
She requires regular grooming to keep her fur from matting, she enjoys being brushed and pampered.
Because both of her front legs were fractured, shorter walks are preferable, and making sure she does not jump off high furniture, such as your bed, the couch, off of ledges etc.....but she plays , bounces around, runs in the house no problem with carpet down.
She doesn't seem afraid of much. She did cry a bit the first few times she was in the car, but now she is good, just lays in the seat ( attached to the lead and secure). We have been to stores that allow pets (pet store, home depot, Canadian tire) and she does well around people there.
She still barks at animals on the TV...but getting better. We can now watch pet shows again ? but she needs to be reminded not to bark so she's learning....
She's very snuggly, and loves to sleep in the bed with Sophie (her foster dog sister) and Maple (her foster cat sister) and her Foster Mom! She usually sleeps right through the night without waking. However if you are going to let her sleep in your bed, you must ensure that she has a way to safely get down to the ground without jumping off.
House training is going much better with regular opportunities for her to use the grass /pee pad OUTSIDE ( also short walks). She has still had a few accidents inside, but has used the pee pad mostly. Once she has a consistent routine and you know her habits and cues. She will continue to improve with a set routine
Gigi is a sweet little girl, young and with a typical Yorkie personality! She would love a home without children please!!