Meet Graham- 2 years old and tons of fun! He is a chihuahua terrier mix, around 17 pounds and has a muscular build. Graham has been in foster care for almost a year now. Why? We aren’t really sure. Perhaps it is because he is as generic looking as they come, though with incredibly soulful brown eyes.
Graham has been using his time in foster care to his advantage, however. He is working to overcome some puppyhood trauma. He suffered from sensory deprivation and severe stranger anxiety and was also afraid of other animals and any machine that makes too much noise (large cars, horns). Despite this, when he feels safe and secure, he is a snuggly, fun and rather goofy boy. He loves to sit on the couch with/on his people and watch hockey games and he will do zoomies when anyone scores. He likes to help put laundry in the basket, though he has been known to steal socks (teenage boy socks smell the best!). Wrestling with his boy, chasing lizards, playing fetch and licking shoes are his other hobbies.
Graham is 100% housebroken and well mannered in the house. He enjoys shredding towels, stuffed toys and cardboard boxes, which we think serves as a stress release for him. He also enjoys doing the basic nose work our trainer taught him (searching for treats in a maze of boxes or other obstacles). He has also proven quite adept at solving puzzles, whether we are playing the shell game, or he is working on his doggie puzzles. We have trained Graham to obey a sit command, and he will obey “stay” so long as he can see you. He is rather low energy in the house, but loves to run around when he is outside.
Graham has made slow progress in his relationship with other animals. Other dogs typically frighten him and if they come too close, he will become defensive. However, he has learned to be tolerant at the dog park, so long as other dogs give him his space. He has a wonderful relationship with a toy poodle (Milo) who lives down the block and they love to chase each other in circles and bark at cars together. Whenever we pass Milo’s house, Graham will run up to the door and give some excited barks to see if Milo wants to come out to play. Lately, Graham has also been willing to allow some of the other small dogs in the neighborhood to approach for some sniffs.
New people will usually be tolerated (though barked at) if they ignore him completely. After about ten minutes of ignoring him, he will typically come over and put his paws on someone, asking to be pet. Then he rolls on the floor for belly rubs.
We are hoping to find him a great family who will be able and willing to continue his training to help him be his best self. He is so loving and we just want to help him find his people.