Henry is a five-year-old, brown-rosetted Bengal who has a permanently startled expression (we love that!!!). The owners got him from a breeder as a kitten. He has excellent litter box habits and is wonderful cat. Henry lives with two larger dogs which he plays with until they get too rough. He can be a trickster and likes to chase and jump on them. He doesn't mind other cats and can get along with males or females.
Henry's family had a very hard time coming to the decision to re-home him, but they know he will be happier in a home where there were no children under the age of 10.
After the family had a baby, it became pretty obvious that Henry is not adjusting to the new addition. He has in no way been aggressive towards the baby, in fact he shows interest and is curious. But he is not allowed in the baby's room which is creating separation anxiety (most bengals HATE closed doors where they are not allowed in).
Henry has been meowing loudly night and day and this is causing the baby and parents some problems. He wants to be in the same room and doesn't want to sleep when the family is sleeping. They can hear him crying throughout the night at the door when he is not allowed in the room. Henry has been craving more attention since the baby has come into the home and is getting less - which is causing him to become increasingly more desperate for attention.
Henry is young, so he can get overstimulated when excessively petted / touched. He does give warning signs, but he can bite when he is being overstimulated. Like most bengals, he is not fond of being held or picked up. If you invite him to curl up in your lap during a Netflix session, he will happily comply - but if you try to make him sit in your lap - he will take off and do his own thing. Bengals are the ultimate control freaks - they like things their way.
Henry is very LOUD! He chats a lot, and can be demanding, wanting a bath tub to be filled up for him to play or wanting attention. He eats Earthborn Holistic dry food (free feed) and Earthborn Holistic wet food (one can a day).
Henry loves to play with chaser toys (on a long pole). He loves cuddles and affection. Loves curling up under a blanket around owner's legs. He loves looking out the windows and when the windows are open to hear all that is going on outside. Henry loves water-play; the owners regularly run the bath tub and sinks for him.
Henry is a healthy guy. He has excellent litter box skills. He is neutered, and he is up-to-date on vaccinations.