House of Paws Rescue Inc
House of Paws Rescue Inc
At the heart of every animal welfare success story are two things: First, the incredible compassion of the people (like you!) who made it happen, and second, an inspiring mission that united those people in the first place.
“ House of Paws is a non-profit, volunteer group of animal lovers. We observed a great need in our community to assist, rescue, foster, and provide medical care and love for the unwanted, homeless, neglected and abused animals we so often see. We work with animals, within our community and the organization is guided by three core values: Compassion, integrity and dedication. Animals in our care are spayed or neutered, receive all appropriate veterinary care and treatment, and are given unconditional love until they find their forever home.”
Our Vision: Every shelter animal, in Utica and beyond, gets a true chance at the life they deserve. We look forward to a society that no longer views adoptable companion animals as disposable commodities and people responsibly spay and neuter their animals to put an end to the overpopulation that exists today.
Our Core Value: We rely on ourselves, our hands and minds, and the things around us to save the lives who have nothing else. Respect life: We pride ourselves on the respect, value and love we give each individual animal, and balance that with the respect we give to pets as a whole group.
This community has given us a gift; be worthy of that gift.