Hi, my name is Julian and my mom and I and my 4 siblings and mom were rescued after we crawled out for the first time from under the garage of the empty house next door to Carolina Cats even though they had absolutely no room and no money to support us, but they didn't want us to venture out into the road and get run over. We were about 7 weeks old and a bit scared at first, but we quickly got used them and they were hoping we'd get homes pretty quickly. Sadly though, it seems there were just too many kittens around and we didn't get lucky. Now we are grown, but that's actually better than kittens - now you can tell what our personalities are like, but it's not so great for Carolina Cats because they really didn't have room for us even when we were tiny kittens taking up just a small cage - they already had lots of other cats to care for and we all had to be tested, neutered, get shots and get flea control and deworming, which costs a lot of money, and now of course we eat a whole lot more than we used to, so it costs a lot to support us and they didn't get any donations for us at all.
I am still as playful as a kitten, but not too crazy, and I'm very affectionate, too. I'm the one who looks most like my mom, but they say I must take after my dad in size 'cos I'm the biggest one. When I was jus about a year old I gave them a really big scare when I suddenly became ill - I went off my food, had a bit of diarrhea and vomiting, then began breathing hard, became lethargic and suddenly had a low body temperature. I was rushed to emergency and then transferred to the internists, where it was determined that I had some kind of heart problem. It was touch and go all day as they worked to stabilize me. The heart specialist was out of town, but fortunately, with the help of everyone's prayers I managed to hang in there until he returned and could do a more involved echocardiogram and diagnosis. They determined I either had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a common condition which would require lifelong medication, or perhaps a rare inflammatory heart condition that, oddly, affects mostly male cats age 1-4 yrs, mostly during August or September, for unknown reasons. I was on medications for 3 months after I came home, If I was OK when weaned off them, it would turn out that I had the rare inflammatory condition and it was cured. Guess what - my heart was just fine when I came off the meds, so it was the rare condition and I got over it and have had no problems since. The bills to save my life were $3,000 but my specialist believes that I have made a complete recovery. Now what I need and deserve after going through all that and coming out the other side OK is a real home, perhaps with one of my brothers or sisters to play with, and with someone who is willing to keep their eye on me, although it is believed and hoped that I will not have any further problems.
I am leukemia and FIV negative, neutered, dewormed several times, have my shots, am on topical flea control, will be microchipped, and whoever adopts me gets a nice collar and tags, food and toys, too. And even better, Carolina Cats will waive the adoption donation for the right home for me. But you have to be someone really good! Won't you please consider me - I'd love to go home and snuggle with you, hopefully for many many years. If my little heart problem episode scares you a bit, think of it this way - although it isn't know what caused it, the specialist thinks it was probably a one-time episode, and I deserve a chance at a real home because although I'm loved here and comfortable they have lots of cats and can't give me the individual attention that you maybe could - just a few brief pets a day, and even if, heaven forbid, I do end up having a shorter life than other cats, I deserve to live it pampered and in comfort with lots of toys and playtime, don't I? Can you be the one to give me the home I need? If you think you can be the one, please e-mail [email protected] and tell them a little about yourself, your family and your pets - where you live, your vet's name, ages of children if any, whether you are interested in an indoor or indoor/outdoor kitty, whether you prefer declawed or with claws, and a little about any pets you own now or owned in the past.