Liesl will enter your home and immediately start to explore her new digs. Her curiosity supersedes any type of fear or hesitation as she checks out all of the amenities. She will be especially attentive to the dining area and she'll let you know when it's mealtime with her little chirps of excitement and her gushing affection as you prepare her food.
She rubs against your legs and follows you around when you get home and sleeps faithfully next to you throughout the night - she's not into break-of-dawn zoomies so you can enjoy your full night's sleep! Because she's a proper lady, she might tell you that belly rubs are off-limits when you first meet, but it doesn't take her long to decide she can trust you enough for a full-body massage.
At just about 5 years old, she has bursts of energy and plays with her favorite toys. Lisel is a perfect kitty for a cat parent newbie and a recognizable "find" for a veteran cat person.
If you're interested in learning more about Liesl, reach out to us at [email protected]