Introducing Lorelai, the enchanting puppy with a heart as boundless as her playful spirit. Every inch of her, from her endearing nose to her wagging tail, radiates beauty, and she is now on a mission to bring joy and laughter to her forever home. Lorelai is not just a pup; she's an eager explorer ready to absorb the wonders of the world. Be it the allure of new scents, the intrigue of interesting objects, or the joy of meeting new faces- Lorelai is fueled by a curiosity that knows no bounds. In her quest for the perfect match, Lorelai is seeking a home that mirrors her zest for life. Whether it's the thrill of outdoor adventures, engaging playtime, or a stimulating environment that nurtures her inquisitive mind, she envisions a family or individual who can keep pace with her enthusiasm. Beyond the active lifestyle, Lorelai is quick to cozy up for moments of cuddling and relaxation. As a young pup, Lorelai is in the early stages of her educational journey. With an appetite for learning, she invites a companion who will embark on positive reinforcement training with her. This is the key to sculpting her into a well-mannered adult dog. For Lorelai , this stage is not just about education; it's a time of patience, consistency, and above all, a lot of love. If you are ready to embrace the joyous adventure of raising a delightful pup, Lorelai is here, waiting to fill your home with laughter, love, and a lifetime of cherished memories. Come meet her, and together, let the journey begin!
My health has been checked
I am desexed / will be desexed
I have been microchipped
My vaccinations are up-to-date
My worming and flea treatment is up-to-date