Hi Friends, My name is Lottie.
I am nine years old, and only recently started to learn what life is like to live in a home and have a family. There are so many things that I have learned over the last five months, like how to go on walks, how to go potty outside and most importantly, that the people in my life aren't going to hurt me. If I let them, they will even give me pets, which feels fantastic! I never knew I could enjoy this kind of thing!
I also like collecting toys and keeping them in my bed, I love treats and food in general, and I'm starting to learn that being brushed can feel kind of good too.
More than anything in the world, I love my best friend Dottie. She's a little shyer than I am. We're the same age and have been on this same journey together our whole lives. We rely on each other a lot and are pretty much inseparable. We snuggle, we play, and when one of us is scared, we comfort each other and try to protect one another.