Marley was originally transferred from a local veterinarian practice after being surrendered by her owner. She was diagnosed with IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) and was severely overweight. Marley was adopted, returned and adopted again. However, she was recently surrendered again because her owner passed away. Marley is close to 10 years old now and was definitely not expecting to be looking for a home at this stage in her life. Good news and not so good news: Marley has lost a lot of weight, which was needed, and now shows no signs of IVDD! She has done well with cats and people. She does not do well with other dogs at all and also is a resource guarder with her food. We aren't sure about toys. For this reason we would not recommend children or dogs with her. Marley loves people, but seems to have a consistent tendency to prove she is the alpha with other dogs and also with people when it comes to her "stuff". This is not really uncommon for a tiny dog surrounded by "giants".