Meet Olivia Rose
Hello, greetings, and salutations!! I'm a spunky little meatball with a big-o heart. I'm a happy-go-lucky girl that will always greet you with a wiggly booty and stuffy in my mouth. A perfect day would be for us to just hang out together snuggling on the couch. Being close to you will always be the highlight of my day. It would be pure heaven if I could sleep in bed with you at night as well. I promise not to snore too much lolol.
I know basic commands, potty/paper trained, and with proper decompression will get along with other dogs my size. I've never been around cats or small dogs, so I'm not sure how I feel about them. I will always protect you if people knock on the door or get too close to our car, so be patient with me. Maybe we can work on some training sessions, so I feel safer in those situations.
Even though my foster mom says I'm beyond perfect, she says I'm a bit too fluffy ... BUT LET ME EXPLAIN. When Ranger's Reach first met me, I was basically just skin and bones with a huge head, BUT my foster mom worked with me on being too skinny. I decided to help her, so when I finished my food, I would happily eat whatever was left in my foster sister's bowls as well. Well now my foster mom says I'm too fluffy and needs to be on a diet ... blah. Can I just say diets are stupid. I mean if they are not gonna eat it, then why can't I. I still think I'm super skinny, so I may or may not be guilty of bulldozing my way through most things ... but it's all in love, so just call me a loving bulldozer lol.