Meet Pedro
Shelter Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 7pm-9pm: Visitation Only
Wednesday: 7pm-8:30pm: Visitation Only
Weekend Hours by Appointment Only.
Please call the shelter at 344-8808 to make these arrangements.
Purrlease ensure you have purrmission to have a cat where you live before considering adoption! We will need to see a copy of your lease agreement along with a contact number for your landlord to ensure the adoption is allowed.
All parties interested must meet Pedro before adoption. If you are not living in Anchorage, you must come in to meet Pedro before the adoption and make arrangements to transport him to your home. This is to ensure that everyone is in agreement with the adoption and that there is a purrfect connection.
Pedro is a fun-loving handsome tuxie lad who is seeking out a home where he can be the purrince of your castle! Pedro came to us after being found outdoors. He was a matted mess and was not yet neutered, so the sweet boy got a full kitty makeover with our vet. He was neutered, shaved, vaccinated and microchipped, it was a truly ameowzing spa experience. While in the communal setting, Pedro was having a hard time getting along with his other feline furiends. This may have to do with him being neutered recently or it can also have to do with his history of living outdoors and feeling the need to show he can be in charge. We strongly recommend his home to be one that has purrevious experience with cats, strong willed purrsonalities and preferably one where he can be your one and only. If there are other cats in the home, introductions should be slow, monitored and at a pace that keeps everyone safe and sound. We cannot purredict how he would do in a home setting, however with proper introductions, most cats can learn to live together in a calm, peaceful and positive way. Pedro is quite the love muffin and adores his time with people. He is very affectionate and craves human companionship. Pedro is ready to start his life with the family of his dreams, are you his purrfect match?
Our adoption agreement prohibits declawing an adopted cat, and stipulates that the cat will be returned to us if the adoption does not work out. This also applies if the adopter is no longer able to keep the cat or is able to purrovide him/her with the necessary healthcare to maintain a healthy and happy life.