Petey is a 1 year old American Bulldog that is looking for his forever home.
He loves people and has a fabulous disposition.
He is affectionate and personable; he is a very happy boy when he has lots of toys and human companionship.
He is a youngster and needs a home with another playful dog or a stay-at-home parent.
He is looking for a family that can play fetch and give him lots of love.
He does only have three legs so he doesn’t need a tremendous amount of exercise.
Petey needs a home that does not require stairs; he does perfectly well, with the three stairs that leads to our backyard, but requiring him to go up an entire flight of stairs to go in, and out of the house, would not be fair to him.
He gets around just fine, plays, fetch, and loves to play with other dogs.
His new family will need to be committed to continued socialization and training so that he grows up to be a well-adjusted adult dog.
He is crate, trained and housebroken.
Petey travels very well in the car and is always happy to be with his people.
If you are interested, please contact the Linea directly at