when in public as she does not like being approached by bouncy/unknown dogs. Quinn would like someone to keep her company throughout the day initially, with a view of introducing some leaving hours once she has settled in. Quinn is worried by close veterinary handling so will need to be muzzled for any veterinary visits where the vet will need to be hands on. If you rent your property, please ensure you have written permission from your landlord before applying for a dog.
Quinn is a very friendly girl who came in to us as a stray. We are unsure if she has had much home experience before but she has shown herself to be a sweet girl who adores being around people and having a gentle fuss. She can be a little timid if people are a too full on so a gentle approach initially would be ideal for her to get to know you. Quinn would benefit from learning some new skills to help build her confidence so adopters with an interest in helping her with this would be ideal.