Raining Cats and Dogs
Raining Cats and Dogs
Raining Cats and Dogs,Inc. 501c3 was founded by Patricia Merrill in 2001. Since then Raining Cats and Dogs has been rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming cats and dogs. We don’t have pledges adding up on posts or donations pouring in.
The majority of our rescue animals are emergency cases. They have been rescued hours before euthanasia at animal control, owner surrenders, abusive situations, taken in emaciated, injured, covered in mange and fleas as strays, or even rescued from cars nearly hitting them. Some were even rescued from the effects of dangerous hurricanes.
They come from all over Florida. Some are adoptable and others are not but no matter what, they have a safe place to live and spend the rest of their lives happy and healthy.
We are not adopting out our doggies and kitties at PetSmart on Glades and 441 in Boca Raton at this time. We will however come to you for a meet and greet. We also encourage fostering to see if you and your new friend are compatible.
Please consider donating to our cause:
Amazon wish list: Raining Cats and Dogs Inc
All supplies and monetary donations are 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated!!