Red River Old English Sheepdog Rescue, Inc.
Red River Old English Sheepdog Rescue, Inc.
Red River Old English Sheepdog Rescue, Inc. is formed to:
Establish, organize and maintain a rescue program for abandoned, mistreated or unwanted Old English Sheepdogs, either purebred or mixed breed.
To provide veterinary care, food, grooming, evaluation and temporary shelter for such dogs.
To locate persons and families who will provide permanent homes for such dogs
To support educational activities that increase public awareness of the Old English Sheepdog breed
To sponsor meetings and workshops for Old English Sheepdog owners and those interested in the Old English Sheepdog breed that will further greater understanding and interest in long-term ownership and proper care.
The first step in adoption is to go to our website and fill out the adoption application. After your application is approved, and a dog is found to be a good fit, we will do a phone interview. After the phone interview, we schedule a home visit which can be done in person if there is someone available in their area or through Facetime if they have an iphone, or Google duo if they have an android. After the home visit is complete we will email the adoption paperwork. They sign the adoption papers, pay the adoption fee, which is done on our website through the donation app. After everything is done they are able to go and pick up their new sheepdog.