Meet Roxy
Roxy is an 8 year old terrier mix, weighing approx. 11 pounds who came into our rescue in November 2023. She is a quiet shy girl that needs some confident building. Roxy gets along with other dogs, ignores the cat and is quiet when meeting new people.
She seems nervous around small children so would do best in a home with children over 10.
Roxy does really well on her walks and enjoys her them quite a bit. She really perks up when the leashes come out.
She can be spunky and runs up and down the stairs and sometimes does zoomies in the back yard.
Roxy likes to cuddle and sleeps comfortably through the night. She is housetrained but doesn't seem to notify anyone when she needs to go out so frequent backyard visits and walks have been her routine since in foster care. She will go on a pee pad on occasion.
Roxy would do best in a quiet home where she isn't left alone for more than an hour or two.
She is quite timid and needs time to adjust to new situations.