Meet Simon: Gentle Giant
Gentle Simon only wants love! He's a sweet, affectionate boy with an even sweeter story: he'd lived in the backyard of one of our rescuers since he was very young. One cold day, he didn't show up as usual for his meals and they wondered what had happened to this normally very punctual kitty! After a few days, Simon showed up limping and very fragile. His rescuers brought him inside and gave him the attention and care he needed. The poor guy slept for three days straight, but soon began feeling better and acting like his usual sweet self, soooo happy to be indoors and out of the cold. "Please," he said, "I never want to be outside again!"
Handsome Simon is a gentle, affectionate and mellow guy. He enjoys human company and loves being petted! He is a bit shy when moving to a new place, but all he needs is some patience and love to completely warm up and blossom! Simon is so easygoing and he loves to play with his feather teaser toy and receive head scratches. He is good with children and he likes other cats, but he'd also be happy being your only pet.