Messy is an amazing little dog. He is 8 lb. He's up to date on his vaccinations and his house trained. He's along fine with dogs but he likes to be the king of the household so probably best he be the only dog. He loves to ride in the car, he loves to go in his little travel bag to shopping like Walmart etc.
When you get home from work, he loves to bark a few times and talk to you to say I'm glad you're home. He was given to me by a lady at work with. He was her son's dog and her son got a job driving a semi truck which meant he was on the road all the time and could not care for the dog and she is highly allergic to dogs. I have had him for almost 3 years in the previous owner had had him since he was 2 months old.
It truly breaks my heart but a new owner/landlord took over my apartments and says no more dogs. So this is the one place I can afford to live so unless I want to pay twice the rent I have to get rid of my dog.
Truly is a wonderful companion. Small rehoming be applies just to ensure he goes to loving forever home.