Meet Soldier
Big dog lovers! Here's your guy.
Soldier is an approximately 1.5 year old Staffordshire terrier. At 65 lbs, He is built like a Mack truck. But in his own mind, this guy is a 15 lb lap dog. He does not know his size.
As tough as he looks, Soldier is as GENTLE and SNUGGLY as they come. He gets along beautifully in a pack of 17 dogs, shares his toys and bed. He loves to roughhouse with the foster puppies and fills in as a great puppysitter for the juvenile delinquents.
There are no cats in his foster home but he is uninterested in the resident rescue horses.
Soldier is a super snuggler and you may need to claim your spot on the bed. Full disclosure, he's a bed hog. He does not care. Strangely, he can also curl up into a little ball like a cat. He's just that good at seizing snuggle spots.
Soldier was rescued from the euthanasia list at a Houston pound TWICE. Hard to believe b/c this guy is wonderful . A big black bully breed is typically overlooked in the shelters. No one knew what they were missing. Don't judge the genetics, Soldier is an angel. He is happy, silly, playful, sweet and cuddly. He does a happy jig when he's really excited.
He is medium energy. He loves to play and explore but he is not hyper. He's a great co-pilot on car rides. He is crate trained but would rather be with his people. Despite his size, you might forget he's there. He's pretty happy to lounge.
He is house trained, neutered, vaccinated and chipped.