Visit /adopt/ to learn about our Adoption Process and to download an adoption questionnaire.
Sophie is a sweet and fun loving gal with a zest for affection and playtime.
She is ready to be your best friend! Sophie loves to play… and play… and play.
She would be a fantastic jogging or hiking partner.
Sophie loves running thru water spraying from the house and playing in the kiddie wading pool at ABC.
She just might be an aspiring synchronized swimmer because she’s got all the moves and loves to dive right in! Sophie needs an active family and is a sweet girl who will follow you for more attention and adventures.
She is smart as a whip and mastered “sit” quickly.
She’s extremely treat motivated and takes treats extremely gently, which will make her easy to train.
Her goal is to to be your best buddy.
After an exciting day of adventures with you, Sophie would be more than happy to chillax with you on the sofa.
Are you looking for a highly energetic and sweet best pal?
Sophie is ready! Visit /adopt/ to learn about our Adoption Process and to download an adoption questionnaire.
All interested adopters must complete an adoption questionnaire.
If you are considered a match for the pet you are interested in, you will be contacted.
A home visit is REQUIRED.
Voicemail messages are retrieved periodically, but please note, we DO NOT RETURN CALLS regarding the status of adoption questionnaires.
Our administrative staff is volunteer based, thank you for your patience and understanding.
Included with adoptions – spay/neuter, vaccinations, microchip, food sample, collar, and post adoption support.