Meet Star
Positives: This sweet girl is a bundle of energy and eager to please. Star has a lot of personality and really enjoys spending time with other dogs and her people. Shes has some basic training and knows simple commands. She’s your type of dog who would do well going on outdoor activities and hanging out with you on the couch in the evenings. We think she would do well living with another large breed dog.
Things she needs support on: Star is affectionately known at the rescue as our rhino/hippo as she’s a stocky and chunky girl. She still has that puppy energy, a rougher style of play, and mixed with her size, it can sometimes be a bit much for people. We would recommend she goes to a home without kids or children who are older and dog savvy. She also has displayed resource guarding over food and will need someone who can work with her on this behaviour. When it comes to walking on a leash Star is a strong puller and would need someone who can work on correcting this. Since she would be new to your home and environment, she would need some time to decompress and settle in. We’re looking for an experienced owner for Star who understands her needs and is able to work on them.