The Dogs Den
The Dogs Den
We are having issues with our application. If you are interested in adoption please email us at [email protected] or leave the following information,
Number of adults and children and ages
3 References (no family members) with phone numbers
Vet reference with phone Numbers
Name of pets in the home dog / cat
Rent or own
Landlord name and phone #
TO ADOPT ONE OF OUR PETS: ( PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO DELIVER ALL OF OUR OWN DOGS SO BECAUSE OF THE PRICE OF GAS WE NEED TO LIMIT TRAVEL TIME TO 2 HOURS. ANY APPLICATION THAT IS NOT COMPLETELY FILLED OUT WILL NOT BE PROCESSED !!) Please complete the Adoption Application at the top of The Dogs' Den home page or E-mail the adoption coordinator listed with the pet's notes. Please include in your e-mail the pet you are interested in, your name and address & whether this address is a house or an apartment, your phone #, the number of people in your household and their ages, information on other pets currently in your care, and is there any history of previous pets. We also require (3) three references (other than family) & your veterinarian (please provide name, address, & how we can reach them). We DO require that all other pets currently in the household BE FIXED prior to an adoption from our organization. If they are not fixed you must be willing to sign a spay/neuter agreement to get the pet fixed within 3 months or you will be required to return the pet you adopted if you do not follow through with the agreement. An adoption fee is usually required which covers the cost associated with the pet.