Town of Owego Dog Control
Town of Owego Dog Control
The mission of the Office of Dog Control is to enforce town and state codes, rules, and regulations and to pick up stray and lost dogs for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of the Town of Owego’s human and animal residents.
Potential adopters are required to fill out an adoption form with their information. They are also required to put down a $35 deposit that will be refunded once neuter or spay certification is provided. We additionally require an adoption fee to ensure they are going to a good home. Within the adoption form is the dog's information, vaccinations, and any known health problems, as well as their microchip number (if applicable).
Included in our contract, the adopter must agree to:
", the adopter, by signing below agree to return this dog or puppy to the Town of Owego Dog Shelter if you no longer want this animal, are unable to keep this animal, or if for any reason this animal is not working out in your home..."
", the adopter, by signing below agree to keep your new dog or puppy as an indoor companion pet..."
Within the adoption contract, we also inform the owner that "we cannot guarantee the health of this dog or puppy. If we are aware of a health problem, you will be notified, therefore we cannot be responsible for any illness."
"We cannot guarantee the disposition or temperament of any dog or puppy that you adopt from this shelter. We highly recommend that all adopters and their new pets work with a dog obedience instructor."
"Vaccinations that have given to this dog or puppy have been noted below and are the first step in quality medical care your new pet needs. It is highly advised that this animal be examined by a veterinarian of your choice within the first 7 days of adoption and re-vaccinated as your veterinarian recommends."