Meet Winston
My name is Winston, I was born on June 22nd. I am 4 months old, and weigh 38 lbs. Some of my siblings had their DNA tests done, and looks like we are a mix of Saint Bernard, / German Shepherd / Mastiff / Collie.
My foster mom says I am an old soul, with a zest for life. I am curious & brave, and like to experience new things. I am partial to spending time with my foster humans. I am a pretty independent pup, that likes to explore with or without my siblings. I am working on my leash etiquette, as well as being house and crate trained.
The adoption fee includes: neuter, vaccinations (including rabies), microchip, food to start her off on, and some of her personal items (i.e. bed, blanket, toys, etc.).
Winston can be transporter to an adopter out of state.
If you are interested in Winston, please email.
Please allow us 24-48 hours to respond.
We will email you an application, as our website is currently under construction.
We can schedule a meet & greet, once the application has been filled out & approved.